Friday, October 24, 2008

Advance Reviews - 'Angel" and 'the greedy heart'

Advance Praise for

"Angel" and

"The Greedy Heart"
(November 1, 2008 release)

'Angel' reads like words of forgiveness from a god to his son. I know it is deeply personal, but it could have been written to express the hopes of this nation.



the way poetry should be read...

the new Edgar Allen Poe...

you write what I have no words for...


easy to forget that beneath your usual vocal effects and masks is a performer of extraordinary feels like a gift to hear you read unadorned.

Baucis and Philemon will be my anthem of love, thank you.

I wish Angel was written for me.

The Map of your Heart is what it is all about!...

It took me days to recover from the greedy heart.

her reading of Monster is bone chilling,not until near the end, when she begins to reveal glimpses of the humanity that lives within the monster does the piece change from a horrific cant worthy of Poe, to an epic tale of infinite loss and caution...brilliant.
(Jackson Willet, DarkCorners)

The dreams of bees, there is power there, this will get lots of play.
(Most Vocal Poets Society, Canada)

"What's your Tribe? The one who speaks the words of longing you didn't even know existed inside you, or the one that scares the pants off you with the mirror that she holds up that reveals your dark potential. Just perfect..."(James Duckworth)

"Put your hand out, let Cassandra Tribe walk you though this journey. She will be your reflection on this trip to reality. "Angel," Tribe's new collection of poetry explores the human condition, from the painful ebb and flow of love to the uncertainty of living in a world where "Our poets are silent/Our singers drunk." Tribe, spoken word artist and philosopher, lends her audience a didactic and Humanistic view of the world, whether it is through her poetry, essays or her daily blog. One stand-out poem by Tribe, the epic-length "Monster," urges readers to face the harsh reality that comes with being irresponsible in life - the false gods and monsters created by blind acceptance." (Vagner Revol, Poet Tree Magazine)

"The book, "The Greedy Heart". contains all the pieces on the cd and twelve others, including the acerbic title piece. Yet it is her version of Ovid's morality tale, Baucis and Philemon, that takes center stage. Perhaps one of the best contemporary versions ever written, Tribe doesn't bother retelling the tale (except in an author's note) she plunges into the very last moment of their lives and reveals the inner secrets of their hearts. In her hands it becomes possible to have the kind of love that creates a story that will be told until the end of time. The ability she gives her audience to hold her words and listen to them is an experience that begins to allow the layers of her meaning to come to the fore." (A. Baumgarden, New World Review)

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