Sunday, May 31, 2009

"Blue Heaven" by Todd Bailey, Jean Claude Guillem and Celine Guillem (Blues Artists from New York City, New York(NY))

What do you get when you cross blues with rock? An interesting CD called "Blue Heaven" by the talented trio, Todd Bailey, Jean Claude Guillem, & Celine Guillem. This group offers a nice array of tunes with likable melodies and catchy beats. Kicking off the CD, "Just A Little" powers up with solid vocals, flavorful guitar, and a catchy bass riff. The strong and powerful guitar on "Master Fender" sounds as if it's really "singing" the blues with a soulful attitude. The female vocals on "Je Par En Voyage" and "J'AVAIS Mis De Cote" are beautifully soft and silky and provide highlights of the CD, as they are well-complemented by the impressive skills of this group of musicians. Take a flashback to the '70's with "Guitar Disco" with its funky beats and grooving guitars. "Blue Heaven" is splashed with a lively collection of bluesy rock and is well worth hearing.

-Diane and the Reviewer Team
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