Thursday, August 6, 2009

"The Wall Street Recession Time Blues" by Dennis Angel Band (Jazz Artist from New York City, New York(NY))

Following in the grand tradition of sociopolitical topical songs, the Dennis Angel Band's new single (available as a download), "The Wall Street Recession Time Blues," is sure to strike a chord with many listeners touched – in one way or another, by the economic realities reflected in daily headlines across the country. In detailing the ongoing financial meltdown & its aftermath, trumpeter Dennis Angel's jazz ensemble have fashioned a big band-style blues tribute that's both ironic & funny, but no less direct & caustic. Crooner, DeForest Raphael's straightforward reading is classic vocal jazz &, given the subject matter, worthy of the Frazier Crane-like pomp with which he so appropriately informs his delivery. The arrangement is equally classic: the rhythm section of David Shaich (bass) & Mike Campenni (drums) sync expertly with the jazz chords of pianist Joel Mofsenson, as Angel & Gottfried Stoger (sax & flute) provide the kind of harmonic flourishes that make for great jazz. A triumph of composition & execution and timely as hell, "The Wall Street Recession Time Blues" by Dennis Angel Band is a terrific slice of vocal jazz.

-Rice B. & the RadioIndy Reviewer Team
Check out Dennis Angel Band 's music on with link to purchase and links to popular sites

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