Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Organic Matter" by Peter Fraize (Jazz Artist from Washington D.C.(DC))

Peter Fraize's latest album is called "Organic Matter" and is an album that features a tight knit cast of players (Hammond organist, a guitarist, and a drummer) all playing with Fraize and his saxophone, on his original compositions that are of a wide variety of Jazz songs. "Soloman's House of Freaks" is an almost toe-tapping blues shuffle, in which the drums, organ, and guitar hold down the beat while the saxophone does the singing. "Brain's" is a unique jazzy number, with talented musical timing, that portrays a very modern take on using soulful sounds. "Fish (This Big)" is a song that incorporates a little bit of the jam-band sounds, in a song that is both jazz and rock like and really packs a punch. Overall, this is a distinctive album with its primary use of the Hammond organ as well as the saxophone to create songs that are an amalgam of both past and modern Jazz. If a collection of funky and truly talented jazz grooves sounds like something you would enjoy, then pick up "Organic Matter" by Peter Fraize.

-Sean B. and the RadioIndy.com Reviewer Team
Check out Peter Fraize's music on RadioIndy.com with link to purchase and links to popular sites

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